Corrupt Magic

From Wyvern's Talon
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Those who delve into black magic have learnt of exceedingly evil spells that, in exchange for foul power, take a terrible toll on their caster. These spells are known as Corrupt Spells. Their numbers are few, but they are truly horrible applications of magic. Neither divine nor arcane, they can be used by any caster that can prepare spells. Using no material components, instead they draw power from the caster's own physical or mental attributes in the form of ability drain.

The Wyvern's Talon first encountered Corrupt Magic in their battle with the Necromancer Morvior the Malignant. In fact, Finn Tahmuras experienced this magic first hand when he was afflicted by a spell that temporarily caused his leg to wither and blacken, allowing him to do little more than drag himself along the ground until the foul magic had ended.