Marinus B Willard
Marinus's current character sheet
Originally from a small fishing village on the northern coast of Ardonia, Marinus fell into the priesthood more through lethargy than any particular divine calling. He soon became bored and disillusioned and abandoned the priesthood to serve Olidammara, a deity closer to his true passions. Knowing that his apostasy would result in execution, he left Ardonia and headed to Granthis. He based himself in The Lucky Lady Inn in the city of Ventelas, where he met Kaldir Ratharin. The pair soon began working for Berrigon, a local leader of the Black Tendril. It was here that they first encountered Jarek Mace and the Wyvern's Talon was born.
Marinus played a decisive role in the Battle of Riddlebeck, helping to free the village from the Orcs who can besieged it. However, he was slain along with most of the party after failing to defeat the Orc leader, Garrash, who still held control over the nearby fort. Only Kaldir escaped that encounter.