The Reckoner

From Wyvern's Talon
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This magical Longsword was recovered from the Orc leader, Garrash, and was used by him to slay Jarek Mace. It was previously wielded by Lord Treygal of Riddlebeck. It provides a +1 Enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls, and has the "Giants' Bane" and "Keen" properties. The weapon is +3 to attack and damage rolls against "Giant" class adversaries, and deals an additional 2d6 damage. Against all enemies, it threatens a critical hit on a roll of 17-20.

It was initially Identified by Kaldir Ratharin on the 12th Jalin 1425, when he learnt of its +1 Enhancement bonus. Its full properties were revealed by Bertrum Reed during the period 22nd Jalin 1425 - 24th Jalin 1425, by use of an Analyse Dweomer spell.

It is currently wielded by Idris Falco.


The Wyvern's Talon learnt about the weapon from Rosiri the Bard, before they had recovered it. He told them about an attack upon Riddlebeck by Hill Giants many years ago, when the current Lord's grandfather repelled their attack using a powerful sword called 'The Reckoner', a weapon which had been passed down through the family. The Giants threatened to crush the village unless the Lord acquiesced to their demands. Instead, Treygal's grandfather used this potent blade to settle the matter in his own way.