Korwyn Valamir

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Korwyn's current character sheet

Korwyn Valamir.jpg

Korwyn Valamir is the third-born son of the ruling monarch of Elingor - King Baradine II. Unhappy with the cruelty of his father's regime, and intrigued by a distant ancestor who disappeared in the now ruined realm of Milandor, Korwyn fled Elingor and travelled to the Kingdom of Granthis to learn more. Before leaving, however, Korwyn seduced his father's pretty young wife, Queen Jessenia, to spite him for the execution of his mother, Queen Rachalia, on fabricated charges of aiding a slave uprising.

Upon arriving in Granthis, Korwyn headed to the city of Ventelas to seek information regarding the ancient history of Milandor. Here, he met a Sage called Balim, who was able to provide only a little information on the topic. Amidst the usual rumours of the ancient Elven Kingdom bringing the disaster upon themselves by meddling with arcane energy beyond their comprehension, Balim did provide a reference to one who some of the remaining Elves call 'The King of Brutes - The Betrayer'. Apparently this individual is particularly reviled by some of the small enclaves of remaining Elves, but they are reluctant to discuss with outsiders. Unfortunately, during Korwyn's meeting with Balim, he inadvertently revealed his royal lineage by admitting a family connection with Karina Valamir, and Balim's true nature soon surfaced. A small group of black-robed cultists entered the room and Korwyn was taken prisoner in a minor dungeon beneath the tower. Balim informed his "brothers" that Korwyn would be staying in the tower for a while, whilst he finished some business in Riddlebeck.

Korwyn was able to use a Mage Hand cantrip to acquire the keys to his cell, and convinced a cultist to provide some temporary co-operation through the means of a Charm Person spell. Retrieving his crossbow, he killed another cultist on his way out of the tower whilst dodging Negative Energy Rays. Fleeing into the streets of Ventelas, he soon lost his remaining pursuers and decided to head to Riddlebeck to find out exactly what Balim was up to. It was here that he crossed paths with the Wyvern's Talon. Learning that they were in Riddlebeck on the trail of a cult of Necromancers and Demon Worshippers, Korwyn explained his recent encounter with Balim and offered to join the party in tracking him down in an abandoned tomb on the edge of the village.

Swelling their ranks further with the addition of a neophyte cleric of Pelor named Rodan Jard, Korwyn assisted the Wyvern's Talon with an assault on the tomb. Fending off Ghouls, Zombies and Skeletons, the party tracked down Balim, now revealed as a Necromancer and worshipper of Orcus, Demon Prince of the Undead. Balim was attempting to complete a ritual on the corpse of an Elven Spellsword who they later found to be Andrius Dy'nesh. The party were able to kill Balim before the foul process was completed, and thus prevented the Elf's soul from being banished to the Abyss.

Following his successful contribution at the tomb, Korwyn joined the Wyvern's Talon full-time. He travelled with them for the next week, and was present at the Battle of Riddlebeck during which the Wyvern's Talon defended the village from an onslaught of Orcs. After saving the village from the initial attacks, the party pressed on to attempt to retake the local fort where the Orc leader, Garrash, remained firmly in control. Unfortunately, Garrash proved too strong and Korwyn was slain here and perished with the rest of the party, save for Kaldir Ratharin who was able to flee.

Following a particularly bloody battle between a newly reformed Wyvern's Talon, including a mysterious young woman from Elingor known as Daxia, Korywn's corpse was recovered from the small tomb near Riddlebeck. Quite how it got there was unclear, but the party were too late to save Danril and Culain, whose Ghoulish new forms they were forced to destroy. Jarek and Marinus remained unaccounted for at this time. Korwyn's body was returned to the temple of Pelor in Ventelas, where Daxia used 1,000gp from party funds to pay for a Raise Dead spell to be cast by Atham Nare. Korwyn returned to life with a jolt, screaming the names of Jarek and Marinus as he relived the last few moments before his untimely demise. As he slowly regained his composure, he quizzed Daxia (whom he refers to as Alyssa), to find out what was going on.

Korywn stayed in the temple to recuperate, before re-joining the Wyvern's Talon full time.